Become a Genesis Qigong Teacher & Energy Healer

Do you want to be Genesis Qigong healer and teacher and help people heal and transform their lives?

Genesis Qigong energy healers can help people with many health issues from issues like cancer and strokes to bipolar and Crohn’s and most other health issues.

The key to teaching Genesis qigong is to have an open heart and desire to share and help others. If that feels right for you then you are a good candidate to become a teacher?

The key to developing as a teacher is teaching. The key to developing as a healer is healing helping heal others. Through the Genesis Qigong teaching process the teacher strengthens their connection to the source and deepens their internal development. Genesis Qigong healers deepen their healing and teaching abilities and their personal qigong development from being an Genesis Qigong healer.

Contact Brendan Thorson at 206-354-8216 or to discuss teaching.